Join me for a special 1-hour session “The Daily Six”

Like many of my clients, I’m sure you’re dealing with WAY too much stress and anxiety, and if we are being honest, fear.
If you had a simple tool to help you create positive change and strengthen self-care, would you use it?
The world can feel like a crazy place right now. And just because it is you don’t have to be. External issues can only be resolved and improved using internal skills and strengths. And that’s The Daily Six in a nutshell, building those skills and strengths. This workshop has clear, actionable steps you can use to implement right away. See you there.
Day: November 16th
Time: 10 AM Pacific Time – 1 PM Eastern Time – 2 PM GMT
Sign Up ! And Let’s Get Started !
* You’ll also begin receiving my Positive Thought of the Week and Daily Nudge to inspire you and your team and sustain your progress.