The Daily Six™ – Business and Personal Life Balance * Stress Reduction * Connection
John’s signature talk The Daily Six™ moves beyond the usual ‘motivational speech’. John discusses the struggles we all face today in trying to create balance for our over extended and over committed lives. John has developed six simple and seamless concepts for attaining greater peace of mind… thus developing and setting priorities for work, family, community, and self.
John connects with the audience through his warm personality, self-deprecating humor, and personal heartfelt stories. He encourages the audience to examine their lives, change their focus, and stop waiting for life to be perfect. Everyone will leave one of John’s keynotes with action steps to help them learn some simple ways to be happy, right now!
Wherever you fit within your organization, John’s upbeat message works for anyone struggling to find the balance between quantity of achievement and quality of life. His message goes beyond the walls of the corporate environment to first responders, families in recovery, and others in high stress environments.
Strategic Direction – Business Leadership * Culture * Results * Inclusion
Get your organization on the path to prosperity with purpose. Strategic Direction aligns the focus of everyone in your organization for concentrating their energy and efforts on attaining your Organizational Vision. Create a Strategic Plan to achieve goals powered by your vision. Instill Strategic Intent across all levels of your organization, collectively concentrating on the short-term actions needed to achieve your long-term goals. Build and sustain Strategic Momentum that keeps your team of empowered Strategic Thinkers, moving your organization forward together. This is driven by emotion and the desire to achieve a greater good. Start steering your organization to success today.
Insightful Leadership – Business Leadership * Communication * Engagement
Capture the hearts of your people. Arouse passion and purpose by leading with knowledge and emotion. Insightful Leaders empower employees purposefully, while intently guiding them towards the organization’s goals. They take up where planning leaves off. Focused action takes over, inspiring employees to secure their success by attaining the organization’s vision.
Building A Positive, Powerful, Productive, and Profitable Organization
Energize your organization and help individuals succeed with significance. John changes your organization’s focus by developing self-confidence among your team members. He teaches them to appreciate their co-workers and be grateful for their entire lives.
Strengthening Leadership Individually and Organizationally
John builds emotion into leadership at all levels, capturing the hearts and the energies of people throughout the organization. Your people will exude confidence knowing that they are the key to your organization’s success, and the agent of its intended goals.
Improve Communication to Improve Mood, Morale, and Results
Given a chance to connect and communicate, people will take it and move your organization forward. John cultivates inclusion — not just vertically within departments or divisions… across the entire organization. You will be able to see the resulting physical and mental sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and community growth… change right before your eyes.
Building Powerful and Productive Teams That Work Better Together and Get More Done
John has improved productivity and performance at universities, hospitals, and corporations in the United States and abroad. He eliminates internal competition by focusing both management and staff on resolving the most relevant and pressing issues.
Improve Life and Work – Reduce Stress and Build Balance
John guides people who want to succeed while generating a sense of significance for themselves and their organizations. He brings balance… drawing upon the personal lessons he has learned from being a husband, father, and business leader.